Do you have issues with maintaining motivation or getting organised? Would you like to keep better records of what you’ve been doing and how it has made you feel? Do you have a problem habit you want to kick, or just get more out of your clinical appointments?
A Capital member is developing a useful app, having realised the benefits of keeping records about their own mental health, and is asking for others' input into its design.
Last year I was experiencing another bout of depression which exacerbated a lack of motivation, enjoyment and enthusiasm. I am a paranoid schizophrenic so usually have to deal with low motivation and energy levels. In times when negative symptoms get worse than normal it can be hard to stay organised.
It occurred to me that the records I was keeping about things like sleep quality, mood state and symptoms were either on scraps of paper or non-existent. I knew that if I kept better records it would allow me to take ownership of my recovery. Having lost my job before lock-down I started working on a recovery focussed, diary-based app which has the potential to be useful for post-crisis recovery and as a mental health thermometer to identify early warning signs of a crisis.
I am excited to invite you to contribute to the design of the app by registering your interest by leaving your name, contact details and any other information you think is pertinent at Please make a note if you already use an app to help with your mental health and/or you think they could be useful. Many thanks.