The Benefits of ForagingForaging is a fun way to practice mindfulness and connect with your environment. It is the act of finding food/ingredients amongst our immediate environment. It is not a simple task, and must involve18 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more
The English We SpeakPeople with English as their first language can often take colloquial phrases such as ‘have a lot of plates spinning’ or ‘botch job’ for granted, as they are so engrained in conversation. However, for18 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more
Worthing seafront gallery launches sea swimming exhibitionA new photographic exhibition at Worthing's seafront gallery explores the rise of sea swimming during the pandemic, and how it has helped people cope with their mental health and wellbeing. The18 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more
Healthwatch publishes results of Covid-19 vaccine experience surveyPeople in Sussex have a largely positive view about getting their Covid-19 vaccination, according to a recent survey. Over 93% of those surveyed would encourage their family and friends to have the18 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more
Covid Anxiety Syndrome as lockdown easesThe pandemic has forced us to live under a ‘new normal’ for over a year, drastically changing the way we live and work. Many protective factors have become resident in our lives - such as staying at12 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more
Disability and mental health in the pandemicThe Office of National Statistics' most recent report into coronavirus (published on 9 April 2021), and its impact on people with disabilities, reveals that stress and anxiety levels remain higher12 May 2021Mental Health SupportRead more