CAPITAL Project Trust co-production successLast month, CAPITAL Project Trust held a co-production workshop in Worthing in which people shared examples of good practice, what co-production means to them and what gets in the way. CAPITAL Project29 Nov 2023Mental Health SupportRead more
Youth mental health crisis hitting the disadvantaged the hardestThirty-nine per cent of 16-18 year olds living in the most deprived areas are still waiting for mental health support, compared to just 18 per cent in more affluent areas, finds the COSMO Study into16 Nov 2023Mental Health SupportRead more
The role of social media in young people’s mental healthHow much is social media really to blame for the rise in mental health problems among young people? We spoke to two of our Pathfinder partners at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and West16 Oct 2023Mental Health SupportRead more
Is the tide turning on men’s mental health?Celebrities are speaking out about men’s mental health, but has it shifted the stigma? Men’s mental health, traditionally something of a taboo topic, has now become part of a growing public02 Oct 2023Mental Health SupportRead more
World Suicide Prevention Day 2023It’s World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday 10 September 2003. This awareness day highlights that we can all play a part in helping prevent suicide by showing compassion and empathy to those06 Sep 2023Mental Health SupportRead more
The perils and perks of video gamesAddictive behaviours around gaming are well documented – with gaming disorder now recognised and treated by the NHS. But can gaming be beneficial to people’s mental health? The video game industry is18 Aug 2023Mental Health SupportRead more