World Suicide Prevention Day - 10 September 2020World Suicide Prevention Day is an annual awareness-raising event, taking place every 10 September. Organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention, the day provides the opportunity09 Sep 2020Mental Health SupportRead more
Back to school podcastPathfinder alliance member Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust has produced this useful podcast to help children, parents and teachers understand going back to school after the coronavirus lockdown09 Sep 2020Mental Health SupportRead more
Back to school? Short guides for everyone from the Mental Health FoundationThe beginning of a new school year can be a source of concern and anxiety for children, parents, carers, teachers and school leaders. But this year, with the ongoing pandemic and six-month break from01 Sep 2020Mental Health SupportRead more
Mindfulness for every dayMindfulness is often talked about as something everyone can do to benefit their mental health. But what is it, and how can it be carried out in everyday situations? "Mindfulness makes me feel safe01 Sep 2020Mental Health SupportRead more
Carer Engagement survey | Your opinion countsWest Sussex County Council and Carers Support West Sussex know that caring for someone else can be both tough and wonderful, and are constantly looking for ways to make a difference to the people who25 Aug 2020Mental Health SupportRead more
Five Ways to Wellbeing - ConnectingPathfinder alliance member Mind in Brighton and Hove have updated their Wellbeing Information & Tip sheet on Connecting, which was first published in April. With services adapting to new lockdown25 Aug 2020Mental Health SupportRead more